Teaching Portfolio
Taught Courses at Virginia Tech
- FMD 1224 (Introduction to the Fashion Industry)
- FMD 4124 (Clothing Behavior Patterns will be taught in Spring 2026)
- FMD 4134 (Fashion E-tailing)
- FMD 4264 (Merchandising Strategies)
- FMD 4274 (International Sourcing of Apparel Products)
Taught & Assisted Courses at Iowa State University and South Dakota State University
Taught courses:
Assisted courses:
- AM/CS 381 (Professional Behavior at Work) in Fall 2016 at South Dakota State University
- AM 372 (Trending & Buying) in Spring 2016 at South Dakota State University
- AM 462 (Retail Management) in Spring 2016, Spring 2017 at South Dakota State University
- AMD 376 (Merchandise Planning and Control) in Spring 2014 at Iowa State University
- AMD 372 (Sourcing and Global Issues) in Fall 2013 at Iowa State University
Assisted courses:
- TC 131 (Overview of the Fashion Industry) in Fall 2012-Spring 2013 at Iowa State University
- TC 225 (Patternmaking I: Drafting and Flat Pattern) in Fall 2012 at Iowa State University
- TC 372 (Sourcing and Global Issues) in Fall 2011-Spring 2013 at Iowa State University
- TC 415 (Technical Design Process) in Fall 2012 at Iowa State University
- TC 496 (Fashion Forecasting and Product Development) in Fall 2011-Fall 2012 at Iowa State University